
public protocol IlluminatedFraction : EllipticalPlanetaryDetails


  • illuminatedFraction Default implementation

    The illuminated fraction of the planet as seen from the Earth. Between 0 and 1.

    Default Implementation

    The illuminated fraction of the planet as seen from the Earth. Between 0 and 1.



    var illuminatedFraction: Double { get }
  • magnitude Default implementation

    The magnitude of the planet, which depends on the planet’s distance to the Earth, its distance to the Sun and the phase angle i (Sun-planet-Earth). Implementation return the modern American Astronomical Almanac value instead of Mueller’s

    Default Implementation

    The magnitude of the planet, which depends on the planet’s distance to the Earth, its distance to the Sun and the phase angle i (Sun-planet-Earth). Implementation return the modern American Astronomical Almanac value instead of Mueller’s



    var magnitude: Magnitude { get }
  • magnitudeMuller Default implementation

    The magnitude of the planet, which depends on the planet’s distance to the Earth, its distance to the Sun and the phase angle i (Sun-planet-Earth). Implementation return the old Muller’s values.

    Default Implementation

    The magnitude of the planet, which depends on the planet’s distance to the Earth, its distance to the Sun and the phase angle i (Sun-planet-Earth). Implementation return the old Muller’s values.



    var magnitudeMuller: Magnitude { get }