
public protocol PlanetaryDiameters : EllipticalPlanetaryDetails


  • The equatorial semi diameter of the planet. Note that values of the Astronomical Almanac of 1984 are returned. There are also older values (1980) named “A” values. In the case of Venus, the “B” value refers to the planet’s crust, while the “A” value refers to the top of the cloud level. The latter is more relevant for astronomical phenomena such as transits and occultations.

    Default Implementation

    The equatorial semi diameter of the object



    func equatorialSemiDiameter(usingOldValues: Bool) throws -> Degree
  • polarSemiDiameter(usingOldValues:) Default implementation

    The polar semi diameter of the planet. See equatorialSemiDiameter about “A” et “B” values. Note that for all planets but Jupiter and Saturn, the polarSemiDiameter is identical to the equatorial one.

    Default Implementation

    The polar semi diameter of the object.



    func polarSemiDiameter(usingOldValues: Bool) throws -> Degree